
Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions or concerns about the Quantum Botanika or your online order, please email and we’ll do our best to help. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.

How should I store my products?

Quantum Botanika products should be stored out of the sun, in a non humid setting. Please also make sure that the lid is closed properly.

What are the products shelf life?

Once our products are open, they are good for 6 months.

Are Quantum Botanika products vegan?

Our brand is not vegan, but some of our products are, including our Cleansing Balm!

Are Quantum Botanika products safe for pregnancy?

Our products are completely safe to use during pregnancy/breastfeeding.

Are Quantum Botanika products natural?

Our products are natural but we do use synthetic ingredients in some of our products. It’s important to note that not all synthetics are bad! Just as all natural ingredients are not great for you. Our lip cure, cleansing balm and signature facial oil are 100% natural.

Where are Quantum Botanika products manufactured?

Our products are manufactured in the UK.

Do you use preservatives?

Yes, we use natural preservatives.

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