
August 2018

Aspirin Face Mask-brown post-acne marks

Masks that contain aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) can take the heat out of an inflamed spot and help gently exfoliate dead cells without irritating healthy cells. If you use this mask on a regular basis it can help reduce brown post-acne marks (apply at night once a week).   How to prepare: Mix a tablespoon of natural plain yoghurt with 1/5 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and two crushed aspirin, and add two drops from a capsule of vitamin E and two drops from a capsule of vitamin A. Apply the paste to problem areas, including brown post-acne marks. Leave on for 20 minutes

Protein Face Mask with Egg White – oily, dry, wrinkled skin.

  Egg white is pure protein that contains albumin, a substance that helps protect against viruses. Another ingredient in egg white called Lysozyme is an effective exfoliator that also tones the skin. Egg white tightens pores, lifts and tightens, and makes skin smoother. Its particularly good for oily skin with wide pores (the egg white absorbs the excess sebum), but also for wrinkles especially fine lines around the eyes. This mask is popular with my clients, one of whom used to suffer from constant breakouts. I recommended she try this mask, and she now loves the effect it has on her

Charlotte’s clear complexion story

From Charlotte's own words : I struggled with acne as a teenager and again as an adult. I have seen doctors and two different dermatologists none of whom have been able to successfully resolve the issue. A friend recommended that I try finding a facial therapist and that is when I found Nataliya. When I first saw Nataliya my skin was particularly active but by the time I had left her it was much calmer. We discussed my diet and Nataliya made me realise that I was eating hardly any protein, which was crucial for my skin to begin to heal. She

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